How to Prevent Mold Growth in Your Garage Space
Whether your garage is only used for storage or you use the space for some other purpose, mold growth should be a concern. Mold leads to unpleasant smells, damage to structural materials and stored items, a variety of health problems, and a very unsightly appearance. It’s not something you want in your garage. How can you prevent mold growth? It helps to understand what causes it.
What Causes Mold Growth?
Mold grows in dark, damp places, which can make your garage particularly susceptible to its growth. It reproduces by means of small, invisible spores that travel through the air, and it typically cultivates on surfaces that are damp or wet. There are many different types of molds, but none of them will grow in a place devoid of moisture. This makes water and humidity control two of the most important things you can do in your garage space.
How to Prevent Mold in Your Garage
With the right insulation and draining and proper preventative measures, you can stop mold from taking root and avoid any long-lasting damage it might cause. Here are five tips that’ll help you combat mold growth in your garage.
1.Invest in Good Insulation
Proper insulation helps your garage stay dry and maintain the temperature. Insulation helps with moisture regulation, the prevention of condensation, and the control of airflow, which prevents cold spots. The materials can also act as a vapor barrier, which keeps water out of your garage. If you want to prevent mold in your garage, the place to begin is with your insulation.
Don’t forget about your garage door, which can also play a role in keeping your garage space well insulated. Having a high-quality wood garage door can help you keep your space well insulated and temperature controlled.
2. Get Rid of Excess Water
Especially during rainy or snowy seasons, water that’s tracked into the garage via wet shoes and tires can turn your garage into a breeding ground for mold. Water can also penetrate your space through the roof, walls, floors, and other areas. Remember that concrete is porous and prone to holding onto water and moisture. To prevent mold in your garage, mop or soak up any standing water. You can also invest in a drainage system that features slightly sloped floors that lead into a sunken drain.
When it comes to your garage door, invest in a moisture-proof door that is resistant to rot and water penetration.
3. Reconsider Your Methods of Storage
For many homeowners, their garage also doubles as an extra storage space. However, you’ll want to consider the containers you’re using to store things in your garage. Using plastic cartons will help prevent mold from growing because the material is waterproof and won’t absorb moisture like cardboard boxes will. When you limit the places where mold can grow in your garage, you’ll limit its ability to reproduce and spread.
4. Repair Damaged Areas Immediately
Leaks in your garage can lead to potentially extensive water damage and mold issues that can even permeate the very foundation of your home if left unchecked. If you notice a leak somewhere, make sure to have a professional fix the issue right away. When leaks are left unchecked during rainfall, snowfall, or any type of storm, you’ll run the risk of developing mold in your garage.
When it comes to your garage door, check for cracks, breaks, warped materials, and other types of damage. Know when it’s time to replace your garage door with something new, updated, and more suited to your environment.
5. Be Proactive About Mold Removal
If existing mold has formed in your garage despite your best efforts, make sure you remove it right away. Getting rid of mold before it can spread will prevent any potential risks it can pose to your home and your health. Mold can reproduce and spread quickly, so have it taken care of as soon as you see it. More importantly, stop it at its source so that it never returns.