organized garage

Simple Garage Organization Tips for a Clean Space

March 4, 2021

The garage is not always the tidiest space in home. In fact, it’s generally one of the least organized and most chaotic. This is the place where countless tools, toys, and other timeless keepsakes get tossed about and stored for years. For some people this is quite the problem, especially if they want to use their garage for any purpose other than storage. 

Thankfully, there are many ways to organize a garage, and most of them are fairly easy to implement with just a little bit of invested time. If you are tired of looking into a sea of random things crowding your garage, try out a few of these garage organization tips. 

Store Vertically

Often people become so wrapped up with stacking boxes on the floor of their garage that they forget that the space is three-dimensional. To get started, aim to clear space on the ground, leaving you room to walk, work, park your car, and perhaps open up even more storage space you didn’t realize you had! There are several ways to accomplish this.  

First, if you have drywall installed over the studs in your garage, install shelving to help you remove items from the floor and store them up where they won’t be in the way. 

Second, if even your garage is down to the bare studs, you can still mount shelving to them. You can also install pegboards to hang tools or even hammer nails and hooks directly into the bare studs to hang items. 

Finally, you can place storage racks around the perimeter of your garage to bring items off of the floor and make the most use of the space. 

Taking items off the floor not only gives you more room to move and work, it can also protect them should flooding occur in the space. 

Cabinets Aren’t Just for Kitchens

If you have a lot of smaller items strewn about, you can install cabinets into your garage space to keep them organized. If you are looking for budgetconscious options for garage cabinets, you may be able to get them cheap (or for free) from someone who is renovating a kitchen and getting rid of their old cabinetry. 

Look Up 

Many garage spaces have wood beams used to support the structure. If you look up, you’ll see them. These are great places to store large, lighter items like kayaks, canoes, and other things that can easily slide up onto them for storage. If you are really handy, and you have enough space, you can even nail plywood on top of them and create a loft of sorts that can be used as additional storage space (make sure you know what you are doing and understand the weight limitations of the support beams you are working with). 


If all else fails, you can always reassess what you have, what you need, and what you can get rid of. You’d be surprised the number of things that you have in your home that you rarely, if ever, use. Use this opportunity to sell, donate, or throw away some things that are taking up valuable space in your garage! 

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