Designing Garage Doors for Homes in Hot Climates

June 6, 2021

When designing garage doors for homes in the South, Southwest, and other hot and arid climates, special considerations must be made. Not only do these types of homes have their own architectural styles, but they are also continuously subjected to high temperatures, winds, and other environmental factors. Because of this, there are many design considerations that make certain types of custom garage doors better suited for these types of homes. 

Make Them Storm Resistant

Doors that are to be placed on homes in coastal areas need to be able to withstand hurricanes and tropical storms. Those placed in tornado-prone areas also need to be able to withstand heavy winds. When choosing a garage door manufacturer, make sure to choose one that specializes in hurricane-rated doors. These specialty doors are designed and built to be heavily resistant to wind, debris, and other common extreme elements that come with storms in warmer climates. Look for doors that meet stringent design guidelines and have passed the well-known Miami-Dade County Notice of Acceptance and the Florida Building Code product approval. These tests ensure that the doors can withstand highvelocity wind loads and impact ratings. 

When it comes to windows on these garage doors, look for impact-rated glass glazing that will make them less prone to breaking during severe storms. 

Regulate Temperature with Walk-Through Doors

When temperatures are high, any opening on a home can easily allow cool air to escape. This is especially true for the largest opening on a home: the garage door. Overhead garage doors, while well insulated, take time to open and close. During this time, energy is being wasted and the garage space is increasing in temperature. 

This issue can be resolved by installing a walk-through door. These smaller, complementary doors can be opened and closed quickly, allowing people and pets to get in and out of the garage without having to open the main overhead door. There are many styles of walk-through doors to choose between, including: 

  • Complementary walk-through doors 
  • Integrated walk-through doors 
  • Wicket doors 

You can learn how each differs from one another and the pros and cons of installing them by reading this guide. 

Consider the Architectural Styles of the Region

The colonial and early American styles of homes present in the South will differ greatly in architectural styles from the Spanish and Mediterranean styles of homes in the Southwestern US. When building a custom garage door for a home, consider the architectural style of the home itself when choosing the door’s shape, color, windows, decorative hardware, and other design features. 


Building a custom garage door for a home in a warm climate is easy when you work with the right partner. Get in touch with CAMBEK today for a free design consultation.


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